Motorcycle Accidents

A Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Can Help You After an Accident.

Motorcycle accidents can be particularly traumatic because motorcycles don’t have airbags, steel frames, or other automotive safety features that protect riders. After an accident, bikers can sometimes face an extra challenge due to the unfair stigma that bikers are reckless drivers simply because they ride motorcycles, which may also work against them when filing insurance claims. By reaching out to a motorcycle accident law firm, you can help make sure that your rights are being protected.

Most Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents.

Motorcyclists on the roadway face a multitude of potential hazards that endanger their wellbeing, such as reckless drivers and slick roads. A good motorcycle accident lawyer will know these risks, discuss them with you, and help you discover whether you’re entitled to compensation. Taps & Associates wants you to be aware of the most common causes of motorcycle accidents, which include:

You can identify impaired motorists by their driving habits. They may drive erratically or swerve while in motion. Their inability to safely operate their vehicles puts surrounding drivers and motorcyclists at risk of collision. If you are in a motorcycle accident caused by a drunk driver, contact a motorcycle accident lawyer to see what can be done about your case.

Drivers who open their car doors without checking appropriately for oncoming vehicles may impede a motorcyclist’s path of travel. This can cause a biker to collide with the door and sustain serious injuries. A motorcycle injury lawyer may be able to help you receive compensation after such an accident.

Unfortunately, many reckless drivers may assume that there is no one in their blind spots when they turn or change lanes. Their failure to pay attention to the roadway around their cars can result in a biker getting run off the road or struck by another vehicle. If this happens to you, consider reaching out to a motorcycle accident attorney for support.

Common conditions such as rain and debris from road work often make roadways more hazardous for cars and motorcycles alike. These factors can make it easier to lose control of your vehicle, which may lead to an accident.

A motorcyclist who stops too hard with their front brake may fall victim to momentum and be thrown over their handlebars. It’s important to ride safely and brake responsibly to avoid injury.

Bikers who weave between slower vehicles and cut across lanes are at higher risk for an accident. This practice is extremely dangerous and can result in a biker getting seriously injured.

Contact a Motorcycle Crash Lawyer Who Knows Your Rights.

After a potentially traumatic motorcycle accident, you want a motorcycle accident lawyer who understands your legal rights and will pursue fair compensation for the damages you’ve incurred. This makes it important that you contact a motorcycle accident law firm. A motorcycle accident attorney at Taps & Associates is ready to help you pursue your case and recover the compensation you’re entitled to from the at-fault party. If you live in or near Atlanta, GA, contact us today to speak to a motorcycle crash lawyer and get started on your case.

We're Here To Help You.


Contacting us costs you nothing and could mean everything in how successful your case is. The outcome of your case is important to us. Take a few moments to reach out. Let’s talk.

We are conveniently located inside I-285 and just off of the Clairmont Road exit on I-85.

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